1 min.

The "Cleanest Crew" In April

Actualizado: 2 de nov de 2021

Meet our crew that was more than deserving of our April's Cleanest Crew award!

The "Cleanest Crew" is our newest program at Simply Right that was started to give recognition to our awesome crews that are out there keeping all the buildings spic and span! In April we wanted to recognize our amazing (that word doesn't even do them justice) crew at RC Willey in Riverdale Utah.

Our Riverdale RC Willey building employees consists of Albertina Prado, Noemi Pena, Aracely Sarat, and Rosalba Contreras. These wonderful ladies work their hardest every morning to keep this building clean and if you have ever been inside, you can definitely tell they are always hard at work!

Something that helps them strive to be the best at their job is how great their supervisors are. Albertina does a great job leading the team on the job site and their area supervisor Natalia helps keep them running with whatever they need and they love her! Having great supervision that cares for their team and treats them right is the key ingredient for having one of the best crews out there.

When I went in to bring them their gifts and some food they said that they were going to keep working as hard as they could so that they could be the "Cleanest Crew" again soon so that I could bring them food and gifts again. In all honesty I hope I do get to go back soon to visit with gifts and food to recognize these fine ladies! Keep up the good work!
